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Every year around six million patients worldwide – including around 30,000 in Germany– are affected by knee cartilage damage . [1]
Common causes of cartilage defects: include brief, intense abnormal biomechanical loading or twisting of the knee joint in accidents and sports injuries, or as a result of excess biomechanical stress. Fragments of cartilage may come loose from the joint surface; these may vary in size depending on the severity of the damage.
In addition to traumatic defects, the bone condition osteochondrosis dissecans can also lead to damage to the protective cartilage. Likewise, axis misalignments may affect certain areas of cartilage as a result of biomechanical stress.
Joint cartilage has no direct nerve supply or vascular supply, leaving chondrocytes isolated within the cartilage's compact extracellular matrix. As a result, there is either no restoration, or the damaged area is filled with biomechanically inferior replacement tissue.
Small holes are made in the bone beneath the cartilage to stimulate cartilage healing.
Small cylinders of bone and cartilage are inserted into the defect to repair the damaged area.
A matrix is inserted into the damaged cartilage to promote healing and stimulate stem cells.
Cartilage cells are harvested, cultured in the lab, and then transplanted back into the cartilage defect.
MACT uses the body’s own cells to trigger the most complete healing of the cartilage damage possible: the implanted cartilage cells gradually repair the defect with biomechanically high-quality cartilage tissue.
The MACT procedure essentially consists of biopsy, processing, and implantation back into the defect area. The first and last step both involve minimally invasive surgery.
MACT has been recommended by the German Society for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery (DGOU) as a standard treatment for cartilage defects since 2004.[3]
MACT has significant advantages over conventional therapies:
The results of long-term and prospective randomized clinical trials show: MACT is significantly superior to other methods of treating knee cartilage defects exceeding 4 cm2 in size [1]. Patients with limited degenerative cartilage damage can also benefit from ACI: Initial clinical studies also show good outcomes in such cases [2, 3].
MACT is promising in the case of full-thickness and symptomatic cartilage defects surrounded by healthy cartilage. If, on the other hand, the cartilage is worn over a large area and other areas of the knee are also affected, the patient has osteoarthritis. Patients with advanced osteoarthritis are no longer candidates for biological cartilage reconstruction and require a different treatment, such as an artificial joint replacement.
As with many injuries, illnesses and therapies, individual factors play an important role in choosing MACT. In addition to the cartilage's properties, determining the most suitable therapy will depend on a range of criteria, including the following:
Previous treatments
Biological age (This is more important than the calendar age. The focus is on the condition of the cartilage surface and the joint as a whole)
The patient's physical and sporting activities
Lifestyle (e.g., smoking, dietary habits)
Around 20 years ago, we launched one of the first matrix-associated chondrocyte products into the German market. Since then, research results from our development team have been awarded prestigious scientific prizes, for example by the Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI), the Association for Orthopaedic Research (AFOR) and the German Society for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery (DGOU).
Our experience and pioneering achievements in the field of matrix-supported ACIs form the basis for the further optimisation of cartilage regeneration using smart biomaterials. The result: a gel-based cartilage cell product that sets new standards in the field of biological cartilage regeneration.
The combination of autologous cartilage cells and a special absorbable hydrogel forms a gel-based matrix-associated chondrocyte product. It has several properties that promote regeneration:
Inhibits unwanted vascularisation
Formed in situ, which prevents cartilage cells from leaking out of the defect
Forms a barrier for inflammatory cells due to its physical properties
Fixes the cartilage cells in the defect area
Together, these qualities promote a high cell survival rate thanks to environmental conditioning.
An independent study [4, 5] of MACT variants available in Europe demonstrated the excellent quality of our biphasic collagen matrix. Similarly convincing properties have also been demonstrated for our in-situ crosslinking hydrogel.
Our products are manufactured in innovative cleanroom systems – standardized and subject to continuous quality testing. Using state-of-the-art quantitative polymerase chain reaction technology, we check the cell and molecular biology quality of each product before returning it to the user.
For each product, we prepare detailed progress reports on the sterility tests and cell and molecular biology analyses performed. Each user receives a final test report with the product, which, in addition to information on tested sterility, also includes detailed information on cell vitality and the quantitative gene expression analyses performed.
To treat a cartilage defect with MACT, the implanted cells must be capable of producing new, high-quality cartilage tissue. However, the cartilage-specific properties of the collected cartilage cells may be lost when cultured. This process, known as dedifferentiation, is reversed by introducing cartilage cells into our biomaterials.
Allerdings können die knorpelspezifischen Eigenschaften der entnommenen Knorpelzellen bei der Kultivierung verloren gehen. Dieser Prozess, die so genannte Dedifferenzierung, wird durch das Einbringen der Knorpelzellen in unsere Biomaterialien rückgängig gemacht.
In order to check the quality of our individually produced cartilage cell products, we carry out cell and molecular biology quality controls for each product using validated methods. Using this analysis, we ensure that only vital and functional cell products are delivered.
Our optimised procedures enable the production of high-quality chondrocytes – without the use of controversial genetic engineering methods. Naturally, we do not use antibiotics or antifungals when cultivating the cells. Immunological reactions or transmission of infections of animal or non-animal origin can be ruled out almost completely.
Explore advancements in knee cartilage repair with MACT. Access over 20 studies, watch repair technique videos, and download clinical and patient resources.
Connect with TETEC at upcoming MACT congresses and events
4th Cartilage Compact Course in Hamburg
21.03.2025 - 22.03.2025
QKG Basic Course in Graz
09.05.2025 - 10.05.2025
12th Berlin Cartilage Symposium 2025
11.09.2025 - 13.09.2025
42th AGA-Congress 2025 in Hamburg
12.12.2025 - 14.12.2025
ICRS-Focus Meeting in Munich
Do you need more information about us, our products, the MACT procedure or our user training?
[2] Niemeyer P. et al., Empfehlungen der AG Klinische Geweberegeneration zur Behandlung von Knorpelschäden am Kniegelenk. 2023. DOI: 10.1055/a-1663-6807
[3] Angele et. al., Cell-based treatment options facilitate regeneration of cartilage, ligaments and meniscus in demanding conditions of the knee by a whole joint approach. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2021.
DOI: 10.1007/s00167-021-06622-8.
[4] Bretschneider et. al., Characterization of primary chondrocytes harvested from hips with femoroacetabular impingement.Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2016.DOI: 10.1016/j.joca.2016.04.011
[5] Nuernberger et. al., The influence of scaffold architecture on chondrocyte distribution and behavior in matrix-associated chondrocyte transplantation graft. Biomaterials. 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2010.08.100